Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hitting the Snooze Button

The alarm goes off too early in the morning on Tuesdays. I often hit the snooze button hoping to escape my reality. The truth is I don’t want to get out of bed. It’s comfort and warmth invite me to linger as I lay there trying to block out the inevitable. Eventually I will have to rise up and face what’s set before me. No matter how many times I pound that snooze button, life always ends up beckoning me out.

I’m always amazed at how daily life often exhibits life in the Spirit. It happened again for me this week. My emotions are much like my alarm clock, especially anger. Like lights on the dashboard of a car, they will reveal what’s not firing correctly, if I will pay attention.

Emotions resounded in my body this week and I hit the snooze button. I knew I needed to leave my comforts and face them, but honestly, I just really didn’t want to go there. No matter how many times I pounded that snooze button, Jesus continued to come. His life inside, beckoned me out of the covers of self-protection.

Journal in hand, I drew away to a quiet place. I know Jesus well enough to know, He loves me too much to leave me escaping the emotions. He won’t stop coming after me. After all He came to heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds.

The feelings inside indicated my reality. There was a broken place still at work.

I’ve come to understand something about broken places. We all have them. They are a result of entering into a world filled with sin. Some of us acknowledge that we have them, some of us don’t. It doesn’t change the facts. If Jesus said He came to heal the broken hearted, we must be broken.

A few years back my husband’s work computer was stolen out of his truck. Months later it was found and returned. While in his possession, the thief had created his own password and entered in his own data. It was on the computer that bore my husband’s name but it was not the original data. We began to slowly remove all the old programming in order to restore the laptop to his original state.

Jesus came to restore my data. I’ve been under the influence of a world of sin, some of it mine, some of it what I received at the hands of others. All the while a thief programmed false information into my mind. It’s not the original data. I’ve been lied to, misled and robbed.

When my emotions get stirred up, the alarm goes off to awaken me. It’s an invitation to have my programming restored. Why do I hit the snooze button? Why is it when the invitation comes I shut it off, hoping to avoid it a little while longer? Sometimes I just don’t want to go there. I prolong my freedom.

Jesus came to heal my brokenness. He came to do a clean sweep of all the false data that has filled my mind. He wants to restore me to my original place.

Healing comes when I allow the resounding of my emotions to invite me out to walk with God. It’s in those moments of telling Him how I feel that I find truth that sets my heart free. What I am feeling indicates what I am hearing. The false data is exposed.

But some days, I just want to hit the snooze button and ignore it all.

It is His constant love that refuses to leave me alone. His Spirit pursues me, wooing me into that place where He and I can meet, it’s the place where the freedom waits.

His truth sets me straight. His voice whispers to me what He & My Father see in me. He reminds me of my reality. I am valued by the Creator of the universe. No one can take that from me. Healing permeates my being as I allow His programming to replace what was previously there.

Life once again beckons me out of the comforts of that which has covered me. His beauty replaces the ashes of my past. He came to heal my broken heart. He came to set me free.


Karen said... Reply to comment

Oh, amen! He came to set us free...praise the Lord!

Angela Nazworth said... Reply to comment

Oh I needed this 2nite.

Ginny said... Reply to comment

Thank you for putting words to how I have been feeling lately. I have shared with a few people and they look at me like I am crazy. Now, I understand more, not rely on my 'snooze' feeling and wake up (whatever time He calls) and connect again.Thank you for being His voice.

Amy said... Reply to comment

God has given you the most AMAZING gift for putting into words the BEAUTY of walking in His love.

I thank God for brokenness. It's been my broken heart that has taken me to Him and continues to take me into His arms. Without brokenness, I would never have found His love.

Crown of Beauty said... Reply to comment

How beautifully you have written this post, dear Julie. I love how you connected the way your husband's personal date was tampered to how Satan steals our true identity and tampers with it.

You are so creative with revealing what is on your heart. You are able to do it in a way that your readers can relate!

Praying for you as you enter into this next stage of your journey.


christy rose said... Reply to comment

What an wonderful analogy to use concerning us putting off God's reprogramming of our hearts, (hitting the snooze button)

And when we finally arise to the call and let Him reprogram us. There is so much to uninstall in order to install proper programming that is Truth. I have used this example a few times when I have taught on renewing our minds. It communicates the idea perfectly.

Wonderful post Julie,
I love stopping by and reading what the Lord is doing in your heart and life.


Laura said... Reply to comment

sometimes taking that first step is the hardest part, isn't it? He asks us to do the hard stuff so He can do even more.

I love this Julie!

And love you!

Shanda said... Reply to comment

After reading this, I know I need to be more careful about hitting the snooze button. Never thought of my emotions as a warning signal before. I love to read your heart!!!
Thanks, Julie!

Gretchen said... Reply to comment

It really is hard to do the right thing. Even when we know it's the right thing. The snooze buttons of life are really so of this world, and should be eschewed, but it's hard when all we want to do is stay out of the fray just a little while longer. I get it. Great words.

Paula said... Reply to comment

This is a beautiful post. Thank you for reminding us of God's healing grace--even when we hit the snooze and resist a while.

I've missed connecting with you in blogland. After a difficult couple of years maybe I'll get to come back more to this world of blogging . . . but every time I visit here I find Jesus and that is a beautiful blessing. Thank you.

Crown of Beauty said... Reply to comment

Hi dear friend,
I was here before, but dropped by again to let you know I'm thinkin of you...and lifted up a prayer for you just now.


Sarah said... Reply to comment

Rejoicing in Freedom. A gift so freely given, if only I will choose to unwrap the crimson bow.

Delighted to meet you tonight and find His encouragement wrapped in your words.

Joyfully His,
Sarah Dawn

Donetta said... Reply to comment

Good Morning
Nice to meet you Julie.
Thank you for the kind words. Tiffany is a sweet sweet soul. I so enjoy knowing her.

Sarah said... Reply to comment

Delighted you came to splash around with me! We too served with YWAM for the past 5 years, mostly in Central America but also a bit in Kenya and Thailand.

Blessings to you,
Sarah Dawn

Denise said... Reply to comment

ahhh, but it is so exhausting, the process of healing the broken places.
right now i am exhausted.

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

i pray for this kind of heart-connection with God. this kind of hunger and thirst for His righteousness. this kind of intimacy...

Tea with Tiffany said... Reply to comment

Yes Lord, come. I don't want to prolong my freedom. So much truth in one post. Yes, we all need to be broken. I have a Stop, Look and Listen post about brokenness I hope to share soon. Your post confirms I should post it on my blog.

Love you!

Aine Willis said... Reply to comment

Amen! Thank you for sharing this. God Bless!

Lindsey @ A New Life said... Reply to comment

Hi Julie!

Wanted to stop by and thank you for your sweet encouraging words! I love this post and I love your heart!

Sande said... Reply to comment

Renewing of the mind in such a totally understandable way. Well stated!!!

Shanda said... Reply to comment

Just wanted you to know I'm still praying for you, Julie.

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Amy said... Reply to comment

Nice to meet you Julie! This post resonated with me... I'm thankful you're sharing the journey of your heart through this space.

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

Amazing! I love the picture you gave with the computer being stolen.