Thursday, April 17, 2008

An Invitation will come

Sometimes putting into words what Papa is speaking to my heart is difficult.  It's like I have certain pieces of the puzzle but find myself contemplating where they fit into my life.

I hear Papa speaking to me about living in purpose vs. living in the routines of life and it can so easily become a contemplative search into what my purpose is.  There are plenty of books out there that are telling us that we were created with a purpose.  And we were.  But subtlety, sometimes the message gets twisted a bit.  Before you know it I am on a search to discover what "my purpose" on this earth is.  Suddenly I am frustrated and stuck.  What is it I am gifted with?  What is my unique version of Papa?  If I can't answer the question I begin to spiral down.  After all surely by now I should know what I am gifted in.  I am 50 years old you know.

So with journal out, I begin to talk to Papa about it.  It's not that I don't know some of the ways He has gifted me, it's that I don't know how to move out in that.  I've been longing to be that oak of righteousness that displays His splendor. I want desperately to shadow His image to others.
How do I make that happen?  Where do I step out?

Sweetly He begins to remind me of Joseph, Moses, David, Mary, Gideon.  All were minding their own business, doing their thing when Papa's invitation came.  None of them were seeking to know their purpose in life.  Their purpose came to them.

I have found that when the questions about my destiny come up, I often find myself introspecting, turning life inward and making it about me.  It's never fruitful until He turns my thinking around and reminds me, my life is not about me figuring things out.  It's about Him in me, inviting me to live in the moment, His moment. 

Moses was a shepherd, minding his own business,  when Papa appeared to him in a burning bush and invited him into his destiny.  Peter was a fisherman when Jesus walked by and summoned him to follow.  Mary, was a young teenager when the angel appeared to her and told her of her future, Gideon was in a winepress sifting wheat and hiding when he was called to be the valiant warrior.  Not one of them was seeking to know their purpose in life or the destiny they were to fulfill.  In fact all of them were surprised, and caught off guard.  Each one was invited into their role by Papa Himself.

Moses and Gideon tried to decline the invitation.  They could not see themselves following.  All Moses could see was his speech impediment, and Gideon saw his weakness.  Both wanted to send in their "regrets" to Papa's invitation.

The reality is, Papa sends out an invitation and waits for an RSVP.  I hear Him saying to me, "There's too much emphasis on figuring out your life.  "The point is, your life has a purpose and a destiny."  "It's not yours to figure out, it's Mine to invite you into."  

One day, when all the preparations were complete,  Joseph woke up and the prison doors opened for him.  He was invited into his destiny. There was nothing that he did to make it happen.  He didn't figure it all out.  He just lived his life in the midst of Papa's embrace.  When the ripening moment came, Papa called him out.

I love that I don't have to figure out what I was created for.  I need only to live in the embrace of His love.  When the preparations are complete, His invitation will go forth calling me into my destiny.  Living in His embrace includes hearing the whispers of His voice when He calls.  

"Live in the moment" I hear Him telling me.  "I will call you out".  "Listen for my call, Jewel, and just RSVP when it comes." "There is a time for everything, a ripening moment."

His invitation will come for me.  It will come for you.  It's not about us, it's about Him.  He knows the ripening moment.  Peace resides in my soul as I watch and wait, enjoying His embrace today.

"There is an appointed time for everything.  And there is a time for every event under heaven."
       Ecclesiastes 3:1

©copyrighted 2008 by Julie L. Todd


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said... Reply to comment

Oh Julie, This was marvelous. I especially loved this line. "It's never fruitful until He turns my thinking around and reminds me, my life is not about me figuring things out. It's about Him in me, inviting me to live in the moment, His moment." It is all about HIM.

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

Wow, wow, wow! This article went straight to my heart. I had to stop and weep "tears of joy" for a few minutes - because the words you have written confirmed what the Lord has been saying to me for a long time. Living in the's one of my mantras. Living fully, loving life, enjoying the place God has me in "NOW." Living in the embrace of my Lord is what allows me to enjoy the details of my life that would seem like drudgery without Him. I absolutely love my job working as a server, making a little bit more money than a teenager would. It's amazing freedom to have so little materially, yet have such a passion for life! God is SO good! God has shown me a glimpse of His vision for me, but if today were my last day on earth, I would be happy. I have had all the fulfillment in life because of His love.

Julie, you nailed it girl! I'm so proud of the woman you are. You are a beautiful woman of God.

Love you,

Paula said... Reply to comment

I love this. Especially the thought about the ripening moment.

Lots of time the call is just the beginning of a series of calls, so it seems to me, taking us deeper and deeper into relationship with Him at the same time we're stepping more and more into who we are to become and what He has for us to do.

I also love your points that it's not about us seeking our purpose, but Him seeking us when the time is right. Good reminder as I prepare to speak on the writer's call at that retreat. :o)

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said... Reply to comment

I just love how you deal and speak from the fray of your heart. This was so moving for me. RSVP. Come Close as John wrapped up his whole talk in those two words. The same time you posted, I was trying to find your blog and couldn't. He spoke to us both at the same moment. No surprise there. I'll think of your metaphor for a long time Julie!

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said... Reply to comment

You are more than making sense...
you are speaking the very words of God! Can't thank you enough!
psalm 81:10

Shanda said... Reply to comment

Thanks for your prayers! I think I'm in one of those "ripening" moments. Not sure why we've moved or what we are doing here, but with the encouragement God gave me through your post I will be reminded to live in the NOW as best as I now how and wait anxiously the invitation as a bride waits for her groom!

Laura said... Reply to comment

This is so beautiful, Julie! Your words are such a salve to my open heart! I was just asking God these questions this morning, and you have helped me understand Him a little better today! I will wait for His invitation. He has sent you to me, Dear friend! Thank you for being his voice for me today.

Tea with Tiffany said... Reply to comment

This is SO good, so confirming to me too. I'm right there wanting to live in His presence, His moments. For Him, through Him and because of Him. He is my everything. The voice I am desperate for every day! Come Lord Jesus, speak to us right where we are. Not because of anything we have done, but because of who YOU are. We are yours...

Leti said... Reply to comment

My Thank you for these wonderful Spirit inspired word. So often, I'm looking here and there for "my purpose". btw I found you through Internet Cafe.

Lord Bless,

p.s. love you music:)

Lelia Chealey said... Reply to comment

This was really good. I think too often I pass things up not recognizing it's an invite from God. I use the "I'll pray about it" staller.
I loved the RSVP idea.
Great stuff Julie!
Thanks for your comments about my grand-girl! She is so precious, I tell ya!

Gretchen said... Reply to comment

" I love that I don't have to figure out what I was created for. I need only to live in the embrace of His love. When the preparations are complete, His invitation will go forth calling me into my destiny. Living in His embrace includes hearing the whispers of His voice when He calls. "

May that be my mission as hear His whispers. Another amazing devotional, Julie. You truly are one of His precious jewelz.

In answer to your question for me, I live in the Seattle area and went down South for spring break with my husband's parents and his sister and her family. Loved the area. My hair was in humidity shock--and I thought we had humidity here! ;) But other than that, it was great. I was raised primarily in CO, though.

Thank you for sharing these marvelous observations and hearts' desires with us.


Anonymous said... Reply to comment

A very late comment (I just found you), but I loved, "Your purpose will find you", I think, because, everytime I go to the Lord with this question, He reminds me, "I gave you six children and a husband, they are your purpose!". Now even as my children are marrying and leaving the nest (ouch!) I am still needed and I am still learning and being conformed to the image of Christ through the family God has given me. I don't need to be "great", "noticed", or "visible" to be godly and growing. I look forward to more of what you share. cathy